Criminal Justice and Inequality (300-level)
This course explored how the criminal justice system manages, creates, and perpetuates inequality. We examine the historical role criminal justice institutions have played in criminalizing racialized people and the processes through which the criminal justice system perpetuates inequality.
Education and the Criminal Justice System (300-level)
This course explores how the criminal justice system has made its way into classrooms and schools. We examine the historical role of the education system in the disproportionate practices of control and punishment against racialized youth in North American schools and the criminalizing techniques schools employ. We analyze the growing links between schooling, policing, juvenile detention centres, and other criminal justice institutions and discuss resistance to the criminalization of education.
Policing and Security (200-level)
The social outcry to defund and abolish the police have questioned the once seemingly accepted fact that police forces and policing are necessary for society to function. This course engages with these calls for defunding and abolition by examining the nature of policing and security in Canada and other countries of the Western hemisphere. The course explores the constitutive role of policing and security in constructing and reproducing the social order.